Industry Insights

Talent classification cited as a new way for organizations to improve internal talent mobility

Andrew Buhrmann
October 10, 2019
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Talent classification cited as a new way for organizations to improve internal talent mobility 

In the December 7th issue of First Analysis Quarterly Insights, managing director Corey Greendale concludes that there’s a significant information gap that makes it difficult for organizations to optimize internal talent mobility. 

Hiring managers at medium-size and large employers don’t have visibility into people elsewhere in the organization who may be strong candidates for other roles, Greendale writes in his informative article, Future of Work: The talent treasure in the corporate backyard.

“One of the keys to integrating internal mobility into workforce planning while also optimizing external recruiting is using technology to allow apples-to-apples comparisons of candidates regardless of source,” Greendale writes. “To this end, several companies have recently introduced solutions that characterize roles and individuals by their constituent competencies.” is one of the companies Greendale cited in his article which includes a short summary of its talent classification capabilities. Talent classification applies proprietary artificial intelligence to the process of rapidly categorizing profiles according to shared qualities or characteristics.

Talent classification equips managers with a true understanding of the people they have and gaps they need to fill. It enables recruiters to quickly understand how individuals best fit within the organization. 

From a talent classification foundation, all key stakeholders can agree how to measure talent and what kind of people are needed to fill talent gaps. Organizations can be consistent in recommending internal moves, prioritizing new hires and executing long-term planning. 

With data-driven planning, talent decisions can be attuned to organizational goals. All aspects of talent management, over time and across the organization, are aligned from a shared perspective. You can learn more about talent classification by visiting this page on our website. 

Here are additional highlights from the article:

  • Research shows that internal promotion has numerous benefits for both organizations and employees. But despite clear benefits from cultivating a robust internal talent mobility program, effective performance on this front remains elusive.
  • A broad employer survey with nearly 10,000 respondents in the 2019 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report revealed employers viewed talent mobility as the fourth most important talent trend among 10 ranked, but there was a wide shortfall between how important leaders believe it is to optimize talent mobility and their organizations’ readiness to do so. Indeed, organizations often default to hiring from the outside to fill roles rather than looking to develop talent internally, despite the significant benefits of internal mobility.
  • Medium-size and large employers are structured to fill roles primarily with external candidates, as evidenced by the size of recruiting organizations relative to the number of people focused on internal mobility initiatives.
  • Deloitte’s survey revealed that more employees believe it’s easier to find a new job outside their organization than inside their organization (57% to 44%), and very few respondents believe their organization is great at internal mobility, with just 6% rating their organization as excellent and 36% rating it as good.